Just a short note to all of you in Saskatchewan. I am moving. Yes. Again! I currently live in a 4 bedroom house 100 yards off the busiest highway on the Island. It is a 50 year old house with next to no insulation, crappy windows and an oil furnace which needs to be fed about $400/month. Then my electricity bill is another $120/month and my rent is $1050/month. So, I found a 4 bedroom house in Qualicum Beach. It does not have an oil furnace, but is heated with electricity and wood. The people living there said that if they heat with wood the hydro bill is about $130/month and if they don't it is about $180/month. So, it will be cheaper to live there and I get to move away from all the noise. I know, living in town will not be like it was on the river, but no seams with their Jake brakes. So I am moving this weekend. I may not blog for a week or so. AAAHHH!!! WITHDRAWAL!!!
glad to hear you found a place!! good luck with the move!
Hurray for moving!! I can't wait to move to WInnipeg(in some ways). We're hoping to buy a house and if that doesn't work, to at least rent one. We're living in a basement suite of a house right now. The landlords are great, but it'll be nice to come out of hibernation and experience some sunshine. Because of the weather, and Chloe being so little, the onlyfresh air I get is when I let the dog outside and check the mail. I hope your new place is wonderful and that you enjoy the benefits of living in town! Love you Auntie Margaret! Hopefully it'll work for everyone to come out this summer. Then all us girls can go shopping at Value Village just like the good old days!! Wouldn't that be fun!!??
That would be a blast! I think it's kinda wierd that we get excited about Value Village, but at least when we go shopping we can afford to buy something. :-) I loved shopping there for baby cloths, or kids cloths, or ... oh what the heck! I just love Value Village. We have one in Nanaimo, but it's not as big or well run as the one in Saskatoon. I, too, hope we can come to S'toon this summer. Then I could get to hold your beautiful baby.
$1050.00 a month? ARE YOU FROINKIN' KIDDING ME HERE??? Is that in dollars or in Japanese Yen? And you guys want us to move out there? We'd have to eat at the food bank! Yoiks!
Hope the new house is wonderful!!!!
Hello Aunti Margaret!
That is so neat that you moved close to my awful work, maybe I will see you there sometime before I quit :-) Anyways I am very excited for you and I hope to see you soon cause we haven't been scrapbooking AT ALL (talk about withdrawl!) Oh yea, I have a blog now too so you can add that one to your favorites list as well! Ciao
ok... it's been over a week... what happened to your withdrawl?? i want to know how the new house is treating you... and yes i do know that i of all people should not be telling anyone else to hurry up and post because i am the king of absentee posting... but i don't care... anyways... love you auntie margaret... just thought i'd let you know... bye
Maybe she doesn't have her internet up and running yet... That's why I haven't been harassing her to find out how the move went... Although I've been itching for a new post...
i figured i would mix the harassment with a big old i love you that way she wouldn't get mad at me... you can't stay mad at someone when they say i love you... but my i love you wasn't that kind... it was sincere... really it was... *puppy dog eyes* i love you
I'm also waiting for a post - and pictures if you can! Sigh, I miss BC. I'd pay almost anything for a house there.... except we're doing pretty good here, and we've almost paid off our credit card bill... FINALLY. Then it's all about saving for YWAM. I need another trip like it's nobody's business.
It can't honestly take 20 days to move. Maybe to get internet hooked up though... sigh.
Come on Touts,,,even if your not online, someone you know has to be, and you could let us all know how things are going.
she doesn't have a blog. She used to, and that was a long long long time ago. she doesn't care about us anymore
I think I wish you hadn't moved. Then we'd still get to here from you! that would be nice. I miss you Auntie Margaret!
Love Cindi
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