This is why I was homesick last week. I was looking through old photos and found a bunch that brought back memories of less stressful times. I thought I would post this one. I can't believe how young we all look. If we knew then what we know now about where our lives were going to take us I wonder what we would have differently. Our family is truly blessed. We are all still here and mostly quite healthy.
Yesterday afternoon I found out that my cousin Mavis passed away from cancer. She had only one sister and 2 nephews and her parents. Uncle Henry has not been gone that long and now Aunt Anne had to say goodbye to her youngest child. Such a small family and already so much grief. Including Mom and Dad we are a family of 70 and have not had any deaths or terrible illness. God has truly shone on this family. I just wanted to say that I am very grateful for this family that God chose for me. I pray we will all be able to get together this summer.
I agree, Auntie Margaret, we are VERY lucky that all of us are alive and well... Unless you think about it, you don't really realize how lucky we all are...
Hey, some of you are missing, and some of you are kinda hard to make out. You should post who is all in the pic, if you would. Just not sure who the littlest one is in the pic, sitting on your lap.
OK Robyn, I am offended about the glasses. You could have made fun of Auntie Susan's hair, but you focused on the glasses. In the pic from left to right are Chris holding Becky, Jake, Henry, Mitz, behind her is Abe, then me holding Johnny, then Susan holding David. I'm not sure about our ages, but I think I am about 22 so that would make Henry and Chris 23 Susan 20, Mitz 17 and the twinswould have been about 14. David and Becky are about 4 and that would make Johnny 3.
WOW my hair is the same as Henry's. That is bad!!
Cool, I kinda thought that some of you were missing. Wow, I got them all cept Johnathon. I just wanted to make sure.
Ha ha, I didn't realize it, but you're right, Auntie Mitz... your hair is EXACTLY the same as Uncle Henry's!! *grin*
Who is Johnny???
Johnny is Johnathan, Becky's brother and the farther to cute little Noah.
Oh, ok. I gotcha now....
Robynski, your mother has some pretty hilarious pictures of you, too. The danger of making fun of the people who live close to you is that payback comes from pretty close by, too.
Ohh, Robyn, I got a nice one of you and Kyle when you were babies... Ha ha
We have a good one of Robyn with a golf ball in her mouth...
I just have to find that one Becky and then I am going to post it.
That is a great picture. That was an awesome summer. I remember riding that skibob with Becky, and going around the lake for what felt like hours until finally I got sick of hanging on and just let go. I can't wait to go camping this summer. I want to go right now actually. Sleep in a tent, wake up to the smell of coffee and bacon and eggs being cooked for me by my lovely husband. My best memories growing up are of the lake. I miss it a lot. Maybe we should do a thing for Grandpa at Loon Lake one more time. Take up the whole campground and hang out around the fire and do sing alongs. Maybe Chippy the squirrell is still alive and will come eat nuts off our knees. Ahhh....
That is one fine picture Margaret. When we get together this summer, everyone needs to bring if not all at least some of your favorite old pictures, and we can all laugh and laugh till we get sick. I would love that. You guys don't look funny, you look positively fantastic. What a family.
I agree. We look fabulous. I think the picture idea is a great one. I don't have very many, but I'll bring what I have. I can't wait for this gathering.
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