Today I Am Homesick.
If I had the money I would go to the airport and buy a round-trip ticket to Saskatoon. I can't believe I actually said that! Saskatoon! I know, all you people who think it should be Mexico or the Carribean or some place like that; you all think I need my head examined, and maybe I do. It's just that I would love to go to Susan's and have coffee. Then we could decide to go to Value Village with Jen, Cindi, Jack, and Mom. Strange how Jack always came to Value Village with us. Now he hates shopping for cloths or anything else at Value village. He only comes along if I go with Carolyn and Ethan, and then only to keep Ethan company. I also want to go to Henry's in Martensville for breakfast with Liz and Mary Anne. I would love to go to the Saigon on 33rd for a bowl of pan-fried beef on rice noodles.
Most of all I want to sit at Mom and Dad's table having coffee and planning the day. We could call Sue and invite her to take the day off work and join us in a day of hanging out in Saskatoon, or we could make perogies, or kielke, or compst borscht or something like that. Then Mom could invite a bunch of the family over for supper and we could sit and chat and I could tell them all what a great place Vancouver Island is to live. Then they would all agree to pack up their lives and move here. OK. OK. That last part just got away from me.
You all notice how I never said I wanted to live there, but have a round trip ticket. The best would be if my whole family lived out here. Then I could go to Mom and Dad's and invite Sue to go for a walk on the beach with me or I could go to John and Chris's for coffee. OK. Now I am making myself even more homesick. I think I might be so homesick because I have been sick for about 2 months. That's right, people. 2 months. I have not been sick to the stomach, but with a cough that won't let go. Just when I think I'm getting over it I get a sore throat and start up again. I even went so far as to follow Mom's advice and have a mustard bath. It was absolutely revolting and didn't really help at all. I just got yellow like I was when I had Hep A in 1992.
You know, I just reread what I wrote and this whole thing sounds really pathetic. If it wasn't so long I would start over, but I am waaayyy to lazy to do that. Not only that, but this way I can blame John for my lousy blog. If you wouldn't bug me about getting a new post up you could have waited until I feel a little more human.
I would also love to have coffee with Sue or any family for that matter but I would way rather have it at the beach hut. I would love to go home and see everyone but there is hardly a chance I am doing that before it warms up there. I am such a wuss, I'm sure I would freeze to death.
I know. I would, too, but for some reason I am more homesick this last few days than I have been since moving away from there in 2001.
I think you should all move back here to good old Saskatchewan...or at least come for a visit.. all at the same time.
Is there more of our family out there or over here now!?!?
Hmm... I still think that everyone should move out here!! I think there's probably close to half of us down here now... I miss everybody, too, I haven't seen them for so long... And I just moved, so I'm not moving again!! I've moved too many times in the last couple of years, I'd like to stay somewhere for more than a year...
Wait until you live in Gillette WY. This place is really a black hole. It's not pretty (the sunsets are, but thats 5 minutes a day, if you can see it through the snow clouds). I would love to pack up my inlaws and our friends Eric and Cary, and make everyone live in the same place. Having two families is hard sometimes. MaybeI'm just being a baby. When we go back to YWAM it'll just be us, so I should probably suck it up, "put on my big girl panties and deal with it." (one of MY favorite quotes) Plus, I'm almost the only person I know who loves her mother in law, so that's a score for me. sigh... Auntie Margaret, I know what you mean. I want a scrapbooking party a lot. A huge pot of coffee in my mom's kitchen, everyone talking at once, looking at old pictures and remembering good times. I want to go for lunch at Moxie's with Robyn, Kathy, Carlie and my mom. It's a funny thing this. I know I'm supposed to be in Gillette right now, I really do, but wow, it's hard sometimes.
if there's going to be something going on this summer when everyone comes out here... we should probably start planning it...since summer is getting slowly closer (travis still has a foot of snow on his lawn) and for once this time, i would like to not be the last to know anything.... please?
Coffee with family does sound great, but I have agree it would need to be out here, and not in SK. Although, having said that, I am with Margaret, I would like to go back to SK, as that is where I have spent pretty much most of my life, and still where I call home.
It's nice to go back to Saskatchewan and visit, because I spent 15 years of my life there.. I still consider Osler my hometown...
Home is where the heart is so I must say, my heart is here (or possibly the Carribean)but it's just not Saskatchewan anymore. You can't have a heart there anyway because it would freeze to a solid block of ice. Today it went up to a whopping +5 and I thought I would die. I actually debated on going to the full serve for gas because I was too cold to do it myself. Honestly, I have no blood pressure so I get cold even if all I do is look north.
Auntie Margaret, check out my blog for a guide on "How To Get To Amy's Blog".. You should find it quite comprehesive and informative...
You guys are really a bunch of wusses. But maybe we should have Dad's birthday on the island this summer. Any thoughts.
Grandpa's b-day on the island is a negative here. We'll be saving our money for school and moving. But if we're gonna plan something, we should get on it or it will just be a bunch of talk.
I think that is a great idea, John. Imagine; we could have it in the summer with no mosquitoes to ruin the party and everyone there would have a great reason to holiday in Canada's most beautiful place.
Hi Auntie Maragret, I miss you and I would like to see you sometime soon. Remember when we went shopping in Qualicum Beach for the day?? That was so much fun. I can't wait till summer and we can do it again. I think there are some different shops that opened now...
Just celebrating Dad's birthday would be good, no matter where it was.
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