What a mean famoly. :-)
I can't believe that you all are so mean to me. One stupid spelling mistake and every last one of you perfect spellers gets on my case. I hope you all have a very long healthy laugh at my expense. I ran the stupid spell checker, but grove and groove are both words so I didn't catch it. Aren't;t you all glad that you have a less than perfect speller in the family to make yourselves all look soooo smart. You better all hope you don't make any spelling mistakes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I noticed the spelling mistake. (famoly) and (Aren't;t) I wish you all would just laugh among yourselves you bunch of jackals. LOL
i was just about to comment on those.... you ruined my fun auntie margaret... oh, and by the way, in the comments section of your last post, amy mispelled auntie.... she called you aunti margaret.... you're not alone
this is really funny. Who care what any one says, as long as it's all spelled right. LOL
Who care? Who cares is what you probably wanted to say. I can't believe you didn't catch that. What kind of speller are you?
Oh crap!! And I read it so carefully too to make sure I made no mistakes. What the heck???
I niver moke spilling mistukes. I'm infallible. Sum peeple have actully toad me thay thank I'm protty perfoct. I'm Ang's heroe.
ANGIE!! What the heck?? Becky, that seriously hurt my brain to read... In some ways, I seriously hate the internet generation... It's too easy for people to be lazy with their spelling... Don't worry, Auntie Margaret, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about all the other idiots who can't spell...
that was probably just becky saying that she is ang's hero... since beck knows ang's password and all that jazz
Actually, I think it was Ang being sarcastic. Although, I'm pretty sure she does admire my keen fashion sense.
Ok, firstly, I have never, ever, ever poked fun of anyone's typing. I likely am the worst offender of them all.
Ok who wants chocolate?
I DO!! Freakin' rights, doggy, I never turn down chocolate!!
auntie carol... that reminded me of a joke.... how many ADD kids does it take to change a light bulb?
you wanna go fishing?
LOL Trav, good one.
This must be the 4th comment I have left like this but I want to make sure that everyone knows. I won't mention any names. I will just call them...lets say Margaret or Carrie or Trav...I am calling a truce to the spelling and grammar war. I promise I will laugh only to myself if I see any mistakes. I will not draw any attention to anyone's comments anymore and I would appreciate the same.Thank you to all of you who participated in this game. I enjoyed playing but now it's just lame. I quit!!!
ok auntie mitz... you're safe from me... i promise... but i want to win this war... so far i think i've been good... but i'm pretty particular about my spelling... and i can be stubborn too... i get that from my dad, and my mum... i guess i get that from both my parents... but yeah... i won't quit until everyone else has... hehehe
i protest the war. i spend all day making sure all my spelling and everything is perfect for all our clients who write indescernable e mails (and no, i don't care how that is spelled). i think the point of a family is that you can just relax around them, so i will, and will thank you all for being the kind of family that can accept that. wow- i love being away for a while, everyone has new blogs! i haven't gotten to trav's yet, but i'm not holding my breath.
I will continue to type with my many typo's. Spell check within the comment section would be fantastic.
But since that is not an option, I just gotta be me!
Thank you all who protest this spelling war. I am not a very attentive typist or a very efficient typist so I have many spelling mistakes. I know the spelling war was all in fun and it was fun, but I am ready to be able to type without worrying about my clumsy fingers. Thanks to all participants for all the fun.
You should at least be able to put up a new post now that we are not your mean famoly anymore:)
What?! A truce?! You guys are all babies, babies, I tell you!! Ha ha!!
Awww... I'm kidding... I'll retire my position as the Spelling and Grammar Nazi... No more correcting silly little typos...
Unless they're REALLY bad... then I might laugh... and I may not be able to contain myself... But I don't think anyone has spelling that bad, soo... I think you're all pretty safe...
hahaha!!! i win by default...
default!! default!! default!! default!!
Glad the war is over. Whew!! now I can go back to typing normally. ( Ok, normally for me.)
I think everyone needs a new blog... except me... LOL... I'm just that good...
And I think Trav's a poor winner... *shakes head*
i know i'm a poor winner... i'm just plain poor... but i still won :P
Hi - gotta new blog - freaking msn...
Yeah, I'm poor, too... Sucks being poor..
Auntie Margaret, you need to post something new!! Did you know I check your blog nearly every day?!
Time for a new blog. lots of love
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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