Why Can't I Get in the Grove?
I am in a slump. I can't think of what to blog about, I can't get motivated to do any baking, and I can't get back to being strict with myself about losing more weight. I have been trying to find some motivation somewhere, but I think I misplaced it. Not all of it, mind you. I still go for walks almost every day. I walk about 5 kms at least 4 times a week. That doesn't include going to Englishman River Falls or Little Qualicum Falls with the kids. This is early in the morning walking fast and furious for exercise. I love to walk. The problem is, I also love bread from Coombs market, and pasta and potatoes. That is when I realize I have misplaced my motivation. Last year when we moved here I started working at the Sand Castle Inn as a housekeeper. I lost about 15 pounds that summer, but didn't have much fun. My family would go to the beach and I would go to work. I think I could have sweat off 15 pounds just lying on the beach in the sun. The only thing is that at almost 300 pounds I didn't like wearing a bathing suit or even shorts and a sleeveless top. So, I went to work and lost about 15 pounds. Then Carlie went on the South Beach Diet and lost 20 pounds very quickly. Since I had been on many diets, I still hesitated, but finally took that leap. It was really hard at first, but it got easier as time went by. In 6 months I had lost another 80 pounds. I felt great and the strain on my legs was so relieved I could even enjoy walking again. I have lost a total of 108 pounds and feel so much better than I have in about 15 years.
This brings me to my misplaced motivation. I have gained back about 10 pounds in the last two months and that scares me. That's how I put on that extra 150 pounds; one pound at a time. I have tried three times to get back to doing phase one of this diet. I have about 40 pounds to go so somehow I have to find the motivation to do this. I will do it. I have to do this. I wish I had a friend that wanted to do this with me. Last time Ken and Mitz, Art and the boys, Carlie and Melanie were all doing it with me. Since I had the most to lose I was the biggest loser. Now I just feel like a loser. Not really. That just kind of sounded like it should be said and I wanted to make sure that nobody else got the chance. Anyway, I will find the motivation to lose more weight, do some baking and now I have posted something new. By the way Trav, Tye says he will comment on blogs occassionally, but he never caught the "bug" the way the rest of us did.
You are not a loser. heck, you lost 108 pounds. You should be proud of that, and focus on that, instead of the fact that you have only now gained a few of them back. Maybe with the nicer weather finally here, you will find the motivation to want to lose again.
It is hard, when you are the only one doing the diet. But, like the South Beach diet book says..... ( and this is not a direct quote)....Don't feel you have "cheated" if you gain some weight, just go back and start again.
Keep it up, you have done it before, and you can do it again!!
FYI, I have posted a new blog too, finally
Quitting eating all the stuff you shouldn't is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I think I would find it easier to start smoking again and than stop, about three or four times than losing weight. Ahh to once again be the weight of my youth. Carol, although the cat thing was funny it hardly constitutes a blog. Come on.
When I think back to how hard it was to quit smoking I would rather do that again than try to lose this last 40 or so pounds. When you quit smoking, you don't have any more cigarettes, but you can't just quit eating. Not eating the wrong thing is hard and eating smaller portions is also hard. It would be easier not to eat at all. I'm just not crazy about the outcome of that.
Oh goodness, Auntie Margaret... You shouldn't feel soo bad that you gained back a little bit of weight... You lost over 100 pounds!! That's incredible, and I think you look really good!! But I know what you mean about motivation... all I've done over the last couple of years is gain weight... And it sucks... It's really hard, because I love soo many foods that are bad for me... But I think it'll be easier when I move out of my parents place again... it's soo hard when there's chips (freakin' crap, why do I like them so much) and my dad makes such freakin' good food every single night, and I end up eating more than I intended... I agree, it would be much easier to just stop eating all together than to make the right choices... it's hard for me to eat an apple or carrots when there's Hickory Sticks around...
Oh, yeah... Also.. You can't get in the "grove"? It shouldn't be hard, just find a bunch of trees...
lol carrie.... lol indeed
Yep, John you are right, that is just a filler, until I can post my next blog. Waiting on an ok, and then it will be up.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh, lighten up, it's better than posting nothing at all :)
I am so impressed. That is a lot of weight to lose. I would love to see a recent picture of you Aunti Margaret, you must look great.
We just bought a rower and I've done it the last 3 days in a row. It's hard to have motivation for something you don't really enjoy doing. I am amazed though how i am starting to enjoy it ( a little bit.)
Carrie you kill me. grove indeed. i love it.
Carrie, I didn't even catch that one. In the Grove. That is hilarious. That is the funniest thing about this post.
Way to spell Margaret. You really outdid yourself this time. LOL!!
That's the first thing I noticed about this post. It took me a little while to realize that she wasn't missing Spruce Grove...Well done Auntie Margaret. We have a gym membership, and I go at least twice a week, though I'd like to do three. It's actually a hot tub membership, I decided, it's just located in a gym because the only way the hot tub feels really good, is after a half decent workout. So yes, 30 dollars a month to belong to a hot tub club. Good work Mellie!(hey - I haven't lost 108 pounds - no one is going to toot my horn. Don't worry - I got it)
I remember when Kyle and I dieted for a while... Just ate meat and fruit and veggies... lots of salad and chicken and broccoli... It was good... It was pretty good since we were both working at McDonald's at the time... Then, I cheated, and I bought a bag of chips... And it was all over... Soon it was tater tots and alfredo and macaroni and cheese again...
Oh yeah... *bows* I am just about the cleverest person ever, if I must say so myself...
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