How high can it go?
I went to the gas station yesterday to fill up with gas. I still had about 1/4 tank so I was thinking that it should cost about $40 to fill up, but do you want to know what it actually cost? $55 stinking dollars!! I don't know about you, but I think that's outrageous! If my tank is empty it casts about $70 to fill up. I have foster kids that need to be driven to their bus stop and picked up every day. They also have appointments in Nanaimo once a week and in Parksville every two weeks. I spend about $300 a month on gas! What are my options? The same as everyone else's, I guess. Just say, "Screw it." to appointments and walk the girls to the bus and home every day. It's about 3kms so it's is do-able. who cares you know what I mean. Anyway, paying 113.9 per liter of gas is insane. And I heard this morning on the news that we haven't seen the end of these gas prices. The Americans are crying because they pay $3.40 for gas. That's like $.81 per liter! I wish! Sorry Peter. Personally, I have never heard you cry, so you are not one of those cry-baby Americans. The ones I'm talking about were in New York. Anyway, That's my little tirade about gas prices. I am sick of it!!!
Yep - we're lucky. But if we want to go anywhere nice to spend the day, we have to drive well over an hour, and not just five minutes. Gas in Gillette is 2.50 a gallon, which is the lowest in all the US. And that's the only good thing about Gillette right there.
Yeah, the good thing is that i live in Qualicum Beach and I can walk for 5 minutes and see the ocean. Or I can drive for 10 and see the falls. I still think $4.56/gal is robbery.
I'm just as ticked about the gas prices as you are Margret. I walk or bike all I can to avoid driving. I won't go to the city if I possiably can get away from it. I have friends over so that we don't have to spend money on driving to the city. When I come to see you we'll have to come up with a plan that won't cost you to much on driving. I guess we could walk, although walking that distance could take awhile hmmm!
I just filled up my truck and it cost $100.00. And this thing is so hard on fuel, it uses a liter a day sitting in the driveway, not even running.
I thought I was ticked off before. I went to Victoria with my girls for a track and field meet yesterday. gas has gone up here to 117.9 and in Victoria it is 119.9. What are they thinking? That's twice the price in Wyoming. I need a smaller car. *sigh*
I also have a vehicle like you do John. I think it uses gas just sitting there. Actually all of our vehicles are not that great on gas. Our truck is deisel so we save a bit there but not much. What can you do. It's over $7 a gallon in most of the UK and they also have to pay $10 a day(or maybe it's a week, but either way it's robbery) for a permit to drive their cars. Now that's insane. We still have it good.
Hey Margret
I know how you can save money on gas...don't renew your licence! It works real good! Trust me!! I'm stuck at home because I forgot to renew mine.
Yeah, it costs us sixty bucks to fill up my little piece of crap car... Ridiculous!! And the other day, we got gas from Co-Op, and it was crap!! We filled up, and about 4 days later, we were down to half a tank... and we hardly drove anywhere!! What a freakin' rip!! Now we only go to Chevron, and we don't have a problem.. half a tank lasts us nearly two weeks for driving to work and back... Not only are the oil prices ripping you off, but some gas companies are also ripping you off by heating up the gas, or even watering it down... it's so stupid... I can't wait until we can all run our cars on water...
Our Jeep is not that great on gas, and neither is Art's work truck. Absolutely insane when it takes over $80 to fill up your vehicle.
But, since we can't do without our vehicles, we can only moan and complain about it.
I'm glad to be back in the US for this simple reason: I can buy Canadian oil for a decent price. Our fuel light came on yesterday driving, so we were pretty darn near empty. $27 dollars to fill. Yeah for the Civic!
Yeah, Honda's rock for gas... Kyle had a Honda for a while, and that thing was really good on gas...
Mel, you are mean. 27 bucks gives me 1/4 tank and that takes me to Nanaimo and back twice.
Auntie Margaret, you must have something else to say on here. I'm going through withdrawals.
Hear hear!!
or is it 'here here'?
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