Blogger is really bugging me!
I had this great post all set up in my mind and when I try to upload pictures this stupid little window pops up and tells me "this document contains no datta." What the heck is wrong with Blogger? It's been a while since I posted anything new and now all you get is this complaint. If I can uplaod any pictures later maybe I'll try again. If not, maybe I'll just switch to "myspace" like Mel and Peter.
Dude. Yeah, Blogger has been lame sometimes. I just try back later, and then it usually seems to work for me. Or we could all write them and complain. Works for me, too. :P
Ooh, not a big fan of myspace, it's annoying and much more difficult to use, I think. I'm having no troubles with Blogger so I couldn't really say though.
I had some problems trying to upload my latest pictures. But, I am stubborn ad refuse to let blogger get the better of me, so I keep trying til it works!!
I will try blogger again. I just hate it when I can't even post a few pictures.
NOOO WOMAN! Do not switch to myspace! It is evil!
Blogger just had a mayor maintenance thingie going on yesterday. They were setting up a new server or something like that.
But do not, for the love of cheese, switch to myspace! lol
.. that is all I have to say =)
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