Junkers and Beaters. I hates them.
For those of you who don't know I drive a 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser. As a foster parent I needed a care that was at least a 7 passenger and this car seats 8. It has a seat that folds out in the very back that can seat 2 children. It does not too bad on gas, looks OK, and has many accessaries which all work. Oh, with the exception of the cassette player. The radio works though. And, yes, I do still have cassettes to play in this ancient music system.
Anyway, about a month ago I was on my way to a friend's house when the car just kind of coasted to a stop. It was still running, but wouldn't move forward. Art came out and found the transmission fluid hose came apart and squirted all my transmission fluid all over the engine. We put more fluid in and away it went. When I got home Tye tightened the clamp I showed him and I thought my car troubles we over. NOT!! Two days later I was going through the Tim Horton's drive through (yes Mel, Tim Horton's) and all of a sudden there is steam coming out from under the hood and my stupid car is overheating. I got out of line and parked on the parking lot and walked to my meeting. After the meeting I drove to a service station and parked again for a bit before I could add water to my radiator. I finally got the car home. I figured it was the thermostat so I took a bunch of stuff off the motor and as it turned out Art had to come to my rescue again. He got me a new thermostat and came over and put it in. I thought my car problems were over. Again, NOT!! It was still overheating and losing water. Now there was a hole in my radiator. I got a radiator from an auto-wrecker for $90. As my rescuer (Art) was putting it in he noticed that the fan plug was completely melted so I had to get the fan from the auto-wrecker for $35. Art put it all together and I thought my car troubles were over. NOT!! it still over heats and loses water! I hate old cars. i hate car troubles. I hate being house bound unless other people take pity on me. I hate pity. I want a good job so that I can get a good car so that people don't have to take pity on me and I don't have to be a burden. I could drive Tye's car, but it needs a new altenater. I HATE CAR TROUBLES!!!
OK. I feel a bit better. Only a bit. I will feel a lot better when I have a car that actually gets me from point A to B.
There's something about your car breaking down that makes you feel panicked, doesn't it? It's like the world just fell apart. I agree, I hate car troubles. This is why Peter and I just got our new Civic. Don't care if we're in debt, I just can't stand the feeling of your car dying as you drive it. The feeling of owing the bank money, is still a better feeling than, "Oh no! What's going on with my car?!" And don't worry, I don't begrudge you the Tim Hortons.
The car does not have to be old to break down. Our truck broke down right on our yard and we had to have it towed and fixed as well. Unfortunately it cost us the price of another truck almost. But now it is running and that is a good thing. I hate when my vehicle is not working right either. If you need a ride somewhere, call me.
I have a few regrets in life. I wore stirrup pants, bought fancy living room furniture, and I went to school for a lousy and useless teaching degree instead of taking mechanics. What was I thinking? I'm pretty sure everyone knows why the pants were a mistake, the furniture doesn't match the rest of my crappy house, and not only could I have actually got a job as a mechanic (instead of going deep into debt to get a degree I never use) I could have saved tons of money fixing my own car. Oh yeah, I also regret watching the first few episodes of this years Canadian Idol. Waste of time. Happily I didn't waste even more watching the rest of the season. See? Sometimes I do learn from my mistakes.
I know how you feel. Our car kept dying, too. It was like all the power would just shut off and our car would stall. But my dad also fixed that. He's good at that. :) That and the trunk button only works sometimes. That one I don't think will be fixed. We need to get a new car, too. Working on it.
i'm in the same boat as mel... before we bought our saturn (which i do not recommend doing)the newest car i owned was made in 1985... even still my truck has been sitting in the driveway since the fall waiting for me to put a new starter in it... maybe next week... and then i can sell it... and then next year our lease is up... i can't hardly wait... i'm gonna buy a suburban... i want a suburban... with 4X4... mmmmmmm... 4X4
Auntie Margaret, your blog shows no comments for me, but there's five with this one...weird. Silly Blogger.
Or six, actually. Now it's working. Nevermind, I'm silly.
Shitty cars!! I hate it!! Just when I think I'm gonna have extra money to go shopping with, the stupid thing dies. If it would help I'd take it to a cliff and push it over!!
Hey Maragaret, sorry to hear about you car troubles. The one good thing about it is that Art worked on your car now instead of me. Naw I'm just kidding. If I was closer I would have been more than happy to work on your car, and just to let you know when I did fix your car it was not out of pity but because your my sister and I love you. Oh by the way, we just became part of the blogging Braun's so we're letting you know. Hope you get past your car troubles.
Awe aunty margaret i'm so sorry to hear about your car troubles. How annoying. My car..well my dads car, that i call my car is not running at the moment either. So i can kinda understand your troubles...but not to the same extent as you.
We have sure had our share of junkers. I think that is why Art is good at fixing them. :)
lol auntie carol... it's funny 'cause it's true
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