Working Girl!
Today I start my new job! Yes, you read right; my new job! I am now employed full time at Beacon Christian School as the Special Education Teacher Assistant. I will be working in the grade 5/6 classroom. I was hired primarily to work with a girl in grade 6 who has mild cerebral palsy and also working with 5 other students who have varying degrees of learning disabilities and behavior problems. Because it is a privately funded school my wages are less than with the school board and my benefits are limited, but I got a raise of $12.50/hour starting today! I also get to work with a group of people that start their day with prayer for their school, their teachers and their students. How great is it that I will be working where God is welcome and invited to be in our midst? So, in saying that, thank you Father for this blessing that you have given to me. Amen.
That's so Exciting Auntie Margaret! I know how disappointed you were when the other one fell through. Looks like God opened a really nice window for you! Enjoy your work!!
Good for you. Now when will we ever go for coffee??
I thought it was bad before you had a job and I never saw you.
See you at Christmas maybe??
I'm moving so you won't even find me if you don't come over or talk to me. So there!!
Congrats on the job. When a door closes a new one opens up. What a blessing to be working in a Christian school. Nothing like being tight-lipped about it when I talked to you yesterday. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh
Hooray!! I'm so excited for you, that's fantastic!! Hope you have a GREAT first day at work!
Hurrah! That's awesome!
congrats congrats congrats.
As Becky would say, "What the Hoink?" I can't even log on to my own blog to comment? I don't know what is going on.
The reason I didn't tell anyone about my job was because I didn't want to have to explain again if it fell through. I loved my first day and I think it will only get better as I get familiar with my students and the teachers and my responsibilities.
Mitz, I know I was busy before and will be busier now, but I will find the time to have coffee. As for you moving? I already know your address so you can run (move?) but you can't hide.
congrats Tutz! I hope you thouroghly enjoy your job.
Congrats, hope you love it. Everyone deserves to do something they love. Except 18 year old kids who need crap jobs so that later they will appreciate good jobs. You however, deserve a good one. Come by the new house with coffee! We'll be painting. Forever.
See if you can get there from here. If not go to Becky's, I believe you can go anywhere in the world from there. She is our family blog travel agent.
btw my blog is very boring right now.
I tried to comment using my account but it won't let me. I guess you'll have to go throuhg my agent.
hey!! way to go auntie margaret... i'm proud of you... really i am... seriously... way to go... that's cool...
oh, i could comment on my acount without incident
twice... now three times
Hi again. I think I've got it.
Way to go Tutz. Glad you got something you really like. Good for you, good for the students. Sue, how come when I click on anybody else's name, it takes me to a link for their blog, but not yours? huh,,,,,,,,,,huh. how am I supposed to get there.
Hey Auntie Margaret...
I'm guessing you didn't get my email. I am still waiting for you to send me some details about what you would like on your new blog, including photos or verses or poems... Whatever. Also, I can't do anything until you tell me your username and password. Don't write it on here. (I really think/hope I didn't need to tell you that, but one never knows... :)
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