Thanks for praying.
On Monday morning I took Jack to see my doctor, Dr. McCarri. While we were in the examining room with the doc, Jack went totally pail, his lips were completely colorless, his fever temperature went to 40.5 C (which is about 105 F). He started slurring his speech, and lapsing in and out of consciousness. His blood pressure went to 60/20. That was when Dr.McCarri said he needed to go to the ER and he needed to go in an ambulance. He called them and they picked Jack up and we went to Nanaimo General. They did a CT scan, blood tests, and a spinal tap. That was the worst. As if Jack's headache wasn't bad enough, the spinal tap was terrible. The results, so far, are good. The doctors at the hospital all believe that he has a mutated virus that attacked locally and on Jack it went to the brain. His white blood count is normal, he does not have bacterial meningitis or viral meningitis. He does not have a tumor or an aneurysm. They are going to test for a few other rare, but serious viruses and call Dr. McCarri with the results in the next day or two. We got home at about 9:30 last night and Jack has been sleeping most of the time. His headache has gotten a lot less severe, but yesterday they gave him Tylonol3 with codeine and it didn't faze him. by this morning they were helping, though so I pray he is on the road to recovery. He is still running a fever, but it is manageable with the Tylonol3s. He is still not eating, but he is drinking loads of water, which is good. I am quite sure he will not be going to school tomorrow, but hopefully he will be well enough to go on Thursday. So thank you all for praying for him. We did a lot of that yesterday and the day before and God is faithful. I am so thankful for my family and friends that prayed. The staff at my school also held a prayer vigil for Jack yesterday morning.This has been a difficult couple of days, but I can't imagine going through it without the support of you all if things had not gone well. So thank you all. I love you.
It's good to know that so far there is nothing serious. I am sure the spinal tap must have been the worst.
Glad to hear he is feeling better. Keep in touch.
Oh wow. That's scary! Yipes, a spinal tap? Well, it's good that they've ruled out all of those things. Let's just hope that it isn't anything bad. Good to hear that his headaches are subsiding somewhat. I'm so glad you posted something. I kept checking your blog and there was nothing. I was going to call soon if there was nothing new.
Thanks for the update. I glad someone finally took him seriously. It is sad that it had to get as bad as it did.
Keeping you in our prayers, Jack. Love you lots.
This flue bug that went around was very nasty. Heard a few people were sick like that. Glad it didn't hit us that bad and that Jack is feeling better.
The doctor in Nanaimo consulted with a couple of other doctors and at this point, with no evidence to the contrary, they believe that the severity of Jack's symptoms that he caught a mutated flu virus that attacked his brain. It caused a very high fever and extreme pain. They are still waiting on some other tests, but are fairly confident that they are right.
Jack is still at home and on the couch. He is still very weak and dizzy and has little to no appetite. He is not taking the Tylenol3s, but is still taking extra strength Tylenol about every 6 hours or so when his fever gets high. I think he is on the road to recovery. Thanks again to all of you who prayed for him.
Poor Jack, and poor Jack's mommy. Hugs to both of you.
Goodness. I hope that the worst is over, and things will just start getting better. I'm glad that he isn't in quite as much pain now.
Hopefully he is on his way to feeling normal soon.
I will keep saying prayers for a speedy recovery.
glad to hear auntie tutz's boy is doing better. hope you continue to do better jack, til your right as rain.
ps: the captain lives!
How are you now Jack? I hope you are feeling better. You gave us all quite a scare.
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