My Big News!
Some of you are very confused, like Melanie. I wasn't going to say anything until it became official, but I guess the cat's out of the bag. That'll teach me for not telling people that this is kind of a secret. My girls don't read my blog, so I will share my news. Now I will say to all of you who live here and see my girls, this is a secret from them until the social worker comes and talks to them and gets them to sign their consent. Then they will officially be mine. I have been approved for adoption! It has been about a week since I found out and the girls should find out today after school. So that is my good news.
I do have another little praise item, if you all are interested, I found out yesterday that the funding came through for my student, which means that I will be back at work in September. I will also get a raise, which will be nice.
So, I hope I have stopped the confusion for everyone on my pregnancy and labor. I will post again soon with an update.
Congratulations again! Sorry I blew the secret! I'm SO excited for you and for your girls! We all know what a blessing it is to be a part of the family and I'm excited that they get to experience that! Give all of my new cousins a welcome to the family hug for me, K?! Congratulations about the job too! I know you really enjoy it and the school that you work at and I'm glad you get to keep doing it! God sure is getting into a habit of blessing our family! Man I love that guy!!!
Hope it all works out well. ttyl
I'm so excited for you that I keep on coming back here to read your news again and again and again. I think I've been here 4 or 5 times already today!
Awww!!! :D That is all FABULOUS news!! I'm so happy and excited for you!! I'm sure that the girls are going to be so happy. Now they will be my cousins for real. That's super!
Wow I am going to be an Auntie again. I thought it would be when Dave & Caroline have another bay. This is awesome. Big hugs to you all.
Congratulations!! \o/
I really appreciate all the support. This has not been an easy decision. I prayed about it for a long time and then I decided that the only way to find out where God wanted me to go was to get moving. I parked car cannot be steered. So I have prayed for doors to open and close as God sees fit and here we are. There are still many speed bumps to get over, but they will very soon be officially and legally a part of the Braun family. Thanks again for all the prayers and support.
She's lying...she's pregnant.
Actually, lately, when I look in the mirror, I ask myself that very same question. Gotta start walking.
Congratulations Tutz. Great news. I don't think our family ever grew at that rate before. All our best to you guys, I hope Mitz is the one lying.
Congratulations to you and the girls. Sheesh, and you didn't say a thing today when we were having coffee!! tsk tsk
I'm happy for you Margaret! I guess I will need to buy that plane ticket and fly out to help you celebrate!
Hey! That sounds great! Let me know when! :)
Maybe you could let us know if it is 100% official or not. I know you said the girls only had to sign, but you never said if they did or anything. Come on Tutz. I need to know.
Yeah Margaret. Jeez!.
OK. Here's the latest.
I don't know exactly how long this is all going to take. The social workers had to write up a proposal to a committee whose sole purpose is to make things as difficult as possible; in this case they are the sibling exemption committee and they have to say yes to me adopting only the 3 girls. They have a 17 year old brother, Charlie, in a different foster home who does not want to be adopted by anyone. He also doesn't want to live with the girls and they don't want to live with him, which is really sad. Anyway, this committee wants the ministry to write up a plan to keep Charlie connected with the girls and they think they have a plan. Once the committee is happy with the ministry's proposal they say "yes" and then the social worker comes to talk to the girls. The committee is meeting tomorrow and then we'll see how quickly they move. At this point I have been officially approved and now we are waiting on this committee. The adoption worker is hoping that they will be able to officially place the girls on adoption placement for July 1st. I will keep you all posted and once it is final we will have a big party.
Alrighty then. That satisfies me.
I'm ready with balloons and confetti.
WOOHOO! that's so sweet!! more cousins!! congratulations auntie margaret :D and congrats on the job, it's nice to have something stable, that you know you love. that is awesome. and i totally understand about the open doors and then unsteered car and the speed bumps. that's me. i'm just drivin along, lettin him steer. anyways, tell the new cuz's that we all love them and they are probly some of the luckiest kids in the world to get to become a part of our family :D :D :D
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