Ok. I gues I will have to post a new blog just so I can read something new. Man the Christmas holidays come around and nobody takes the time to journal anymore. Come on people. I need my morning fix.
We had a wonderful Christmas morning. Mine started at about 4 am. I got up to get my turkey in on time. On the 23rd I was the last one to arrive at Mitz and Ken's for the gathering, which was fantastic by the way. The gathering I mean, not being last. Oh no. I was not the last to arrive. David and Carolyn were. Anyway. I had a 27 pound turkey for the gathering. I checked on the internet for cooking times and it said to cook it at 250* for 6 hours. I put my turkey in at 11 am at 400* and at 5 pm I cranked the heat to 600*. It was done by 6 pm but just barely. OK. What was I talking about? Oh yeah. As you can see this turkey thing had me a little ticked. I hate being late.
Anyway, back to this morning. I got up at 4:00 this morning to get my turkey in the oven and Jasmine walked in. For those who don't know, Jasmine is my new 11 year old foster child. She asked if it was too early to open gifts. I tried to get her to go back to bed. I know, I know, I'm a big meany. Anyway, it didn't work. Jack woke up from the talking and came upstairs. Tye was already up, so I figured that we might as well get started.
I think the thing I liked the most was seeing my kids get all excited when I opened my gifts. They made me wait until all their presents were all opened because my presents were all linked and they didn't want to give me an idea until I could open them all. They got me a miniature village. I have wanted one for years and now I have one. 10 pieces and I love it. But, as I was saying, the best part was watching them watch me. God really meant it when he said "It is more blessed to give than to receive." I love my kids.
merry Christmas auntie margaret, and that goes to tyler and jack and your kids i don't know too
Uhhhh... helloooo? I wrote something new last night! So "nobody takes the time" would only be accurate if my name was nobody... Which it isn't...I don't think... I'm gonna go check my birth certificate just to be sure.
Love you! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Nobody. :-) Your right. If your name was nobody I would be right. Because you are the only one who has posted a new blog. And a very nice one it is, too.
i especially liked the picture beck... i like pictures... all the colours... oooo.... anyways... we need to play balderdash... i think i have friday off... how's that sound?
I saw nothing new on becky's blog. The last time she wrote was the 12th, on my computer. Hmmm. Miss you all, glad you had a great Christmas auntie Margaret. I did too, and will post about in on my blog later. Love you all. I'm going to check Becky's blog again....
wow mel... you're missing 4 post's on becky's blog... i'll post the url for you and that might help things...
btw mel... you should make a blog about your christmas... auntie margaret... so should you
okay, i found them, but i have to click the search this blog site... then i see the last four entries. is anyone else experiencing this? weird. i didn't even know becky was having a boy til just i hope with all these boys being born, nobody steals my little boy name... i don't even want to type it. anyway, sorry auntie margaret, this isn't at all about you and it's your blog. silly me. love you all, look for a post from me soon!
Right now my boy names are Samuel, Michael, and maybe Elijah... does that help?
Feel free to proceed with those names... Our first little boy is going to be Gabriel William (Gabe) and our first little girl is going to be Isabella Simone. There, it's been published... I loved the name Alexandria for a girl, but it's now been taken... Just give us some time for a little while People!!
Hey Mel, We have matching kid names! One of our boy names is Gabriel and one of our girl names is Isabel(Izzy for short). We have one other boy name before Gabriel though so I guess it'll all depend on how many kids/boys we have!! By the way, this time it's Cindi, not Chloe but I'm sure you all got that. Chloe's a little young to be planning what she's gonna name her kids!
Hope you had a great Christmas, with the parents you stole from us. Okay that is the last time I will whine about that. Your right, it is more fun with kids. Say hi to all yours from me and Chris.
admissible!it' s decidedly helpful!thx!
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