What A Night
Yesterday I took Christmas shopping with 4 young people. It would have been three, but I made Tye come along so that we could split up to buy for each other. I did not expect this to be even close to fun, but I had a great time. At one point I was abandoned and told to stay in the sewing department until they came to get me. They had a blast! I, on the other hand was feeling very much like I did as a 13 year old waiting, and waiting, and waiting for Mom to finish looking at fabric she wasn't going to buy. These memories came flooding back to me, but I was instructed to stay in the fabric department. So I stayed. Mercifully, my children are quick shoppers and already knew what they were getting for me, so I didn't start crying or anything equally embarrassing. Then all the way home, they kept talking about how they couldn't wait for Christmas so they could watch me open my gifts. I already knew that was the best part of the whole Christmas gift exchange, but to see that awakened again in my kids was quite fun to watch. I'll admit, though. I can't wait either to see what I got. So we shopped, went to the food court for a bite to eat, and shopped some more. I was not looking forward to shopping with these four young people, but it was actually fun! Except for the fabric department. When we got home at about 8 pm, the kids all went to the family room to wrap my gifts. One by one they came upstairs and put a gift under the tree, smiling like they had a secret. I think I had as much fun as they did. So, Thank you God for the priviledge of raising these children. Help me to always remember that they are your and that I do my best to represent you while I do this job.
What are you doing up at this hour on a sunday morning? Yeah we love our grandchildren very much and it is going to be great to have them all home this Christmas. This little house of ours will be bursting at the seams. Isn't it surprising how something that was supposed to be a chore can awaken the Christmas spirit in us and give us the warm fuzzies. Yesterday we went shopping and it was such great fun to go through the toy department again. Chris and I had a blast. I miss you a lot more now as well since I started this blog thing. I guess cause even though I can't hear your voice we are talking and in my mind I can see your smile and hear your voice. Have a blessed Christmas Margaret, and same to your family.
I am always up by about 5:30 am. Well, I am awake at that time. I have my coffee maker set to make coffee at 5:45 am so I stay in bed until it's done. I also went shopping for toys this year, for Ethan. Carolyn showed me her video of Ethan wrestling with Ben. Your grandson showed amazing stamina and sportsmanship. I laughed so hard when I heard Chris say, "Becky, I don't think Ben can breath. No one got up to help him. You guys just sat there and laughed. Until Ben started to cry. I just wanted to be there with you guys so bad. Hearing yur voices made you seem even closer. I love you all.
Glad you had fun shopping Margaret. I haven't posted on your blog cause it feels weird .For crying out loud, you live just down the road. Of course by the number of times I see you lately or hear from you, I was wondering if maybe you had moved away. Good thing you have a blog so I know what you are doing with your life.:)
i just made a post that's gonna make all of you cry... hehehe... but you'll thank me afterward... and when grandma and grampa get down there you might have to read it to them
Trav, I didn't see this entry before I commented on yours..so thanks I will read it to them.
I also went Christmas shopping this weekend, I'm done!, and had a really great time. I am so glad that you have a house full of kids, and that the two that don't have options for nicer Christmases are with you. I miss you a lot, and I just stopped crying from Uncle Johns blog so that's all I'm going to say for fear of crying again... I need to get to work.
Love you.
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