Beautiful BC
Here is Dad, holding Tye up on this great big log in Cathedral Grove. The fact that his walker is in the foreground makes this picture quite funny. Dad loves being here. He says it makes him feel very close to God. Last time we were there he said that he found it amazing that most of these trees were under God's care hundreds of years ago and if God could take care of trees like that then how much must He love us.
This is Tye last year at the top of Little Mountain. You can actually drive all the way to the top and Then a short walk and the back side of Little Mountain just falls away leaving this spectacular view of Errington.
I would post new pictures, but I lost the USB cable for my camera.
Yesterday I took Mom and Dad to the airport and said good-bye. We had a wonderful time with them this month. We didn't go to as many places as we did last time they were here because Dad's legs just couldn't do what they could last time. One thing that we did, though, that we haven't done before is go down the path to the river's edge at Englishman River, where we used to go swimming when I lived at the river. Jake and Colleen were taking their kids down there one last time before moving back to Sask, and asked if we wanted to join them. Mom and I thought that there was no way Dad could go down that steep trail let alone make it back up, but Dad said, "If that is what Jake wants then let's do it. I will slide down that path and crawl up on my hands and knees if I have to." Going down was actually not too difficult. Jake went down backwards pushing on the walker and Me and Josh held Dad steady and he made it down nicely. We sat there at the river watching the kids swim in that ice cold water for about 1 1/2 hours. We had a snack and than decide to go back to Jake and Colleen's. Mitch carried Dad's walker and Dad went up the hill with his hands on the ground to steady himself. Me, Mom, Jake, and Colleen were still gathering up our stuff when we looked up and Jack, Josh, and Mitch had already gotten Dad half way up the hill. I couldn't believe it. He made it back to the car triumphant, but very tired. Later he said he wouldn't have missed it for the world. He is an amazing man. I feel totally blessed to think that God chose me to be born to these two people.
What an incredible man Grandpa is, and how lucky we are to have him. I love that though he can barely see you, he'll sit next to you and tell you a joke, or be silly. He's amazing and I'm glad he's been such an example to three generations of this family.
I agree Melanie. I only can hope that I can have his kind of mentality when I am as old as he is.
LOL. I have that exact same picture of Grandpa from when we were there. He posed and then told me to take a picture of him. What a guy. I'm gonna post it so you can see it.
P.S. I deleted and reposted my comment cause there were too many spelling mistakes. I don't want to be the start of any new wars.
yes we had a wonderful time with him and mom and I just hope that I am half the example to my family that he is. He does have an amazing sense of humor and will still tell jokes all the time, although I have noticed lately that he does tell them over again. But that's okay. I think at 80, he's allowed. I hope and pray that they can still one day come back. I really don't know how to handle these 'lasts' in my life. It makes you somehow feel like maybe you arn't invincible after all.
i know... i don't want granndma and grampa to have any last's... they're supposed to be here forever
You are so right Margaret. When I haven't seen them in a while, Dad seems a bit more bent over and shrunken then last time. And then when you listen to him talk and you realize he didn't shrink, he has grown some more. Great pics Margaret.
They are both a great example of Grandparents. And love the pic that Becky posted of him too. :)
I can only hope that when I'm his age, I'm as incredible as he is. I also love that he'll whip us all in a card game, even though he has to hold up the cards to see them.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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