I went for a job interview on Monday and found out yesterday that I got the job. I will be starting on September 5th at Beacon Christian School as a Special Needs Educational Assistant. How do you like that for a big fancy shmancy title. I won't get paid as much as if I was with the public school, but I get to pray for and with my students and teachers. I start out at $12.08/hr with a pay raise in 3 months and again at the end of the school year. I am so excited. I love this kind of job and the hours are fabulous. Days off with my kids, never work weekend or evenings and I can still be a foster parent if I want, which I still do. I am truly blessed.
Congradulations, Auntie Margaret, I'm so happy for you!! That sounds like an incredibly job. And I like your fancy schmancy title, I think it's fabulous. :P
I'm so happy for you Margaret. I've been praying that the Lord would bring something into your life that would ease some of the loneliness. Getting out and making friends can be a big help. Do you get to keep the girls? Is Ty still going to school in fall? Did Jack make his grade? give the kids a hug from me.I Miss you all!!
Way to go Tutz. You deserve a good job. I just know you will do well. Titles are so cool. At my work I am the Facility and Grounds Foreman. Definition. I have to keep the yard free of weeds and garbage, and the elevator free from piles of grain and dust. Same job as I have had for 15 years, but ohh it sounds so much better. Anyway didn't want to come here and bellyache. Congratulations.
congrats! i know what it feels like to find a job that fits in with you.
way to go auntie margaret... you can do it!!!
Congrats! That is fabulous and I'm not even a little jealous...
Well, maybe just a teeny tiny bit.
Thanks, everyone. Yes, Jude. I get to keep the girls. They are all going to school here in Qualicum and I am going to be working at the school they went to this year. Jack hasn't received his report card yet, but with all the times he skipped the afternoon to hang out with Josh, I wouldn't be surprised if he has to repeat math 11. And yes, Tye is still going to university in Sept.
Wow nice work auntie Margaret! For a moment I thought this was auntie Carol's blog and I almost died when I saw the title, so now I'm immensely relieved, and very happy for you. Titles are great, mine is Head of Customer Support (which just means I get yelled at more than most, and usually live) but cool nonetheless. Way to go! Keep us updated on the job!
Congrats Auntie Margaret! Sounds like that will be a really amazing job and experience. Let me know how it all goes ;)
Congratulations Margaret!!
I am sure a new job will be fitting, and even more so if you are keeping the girls also!!
I sent you the Cathedral Grove pictures to your email address. If this is not correct, will you phone me and give me your correct email address.
I wish I had a fancy-schmany title. I don't have one at all. I'm still not quite sure who I am at that company. I was referred to as "risk management" or something like that. Maybe I'll take that. :)
Wow, a little late on commenting about this...
Anyway, Congrats Margaret, that is fantastic! I'm sure you enjoy your new job, and that fancy shmancy title of yours! lol
Best of luck!
Congratulations Aunti Margaret! I'm sure that you will love your new job. I think that if I go back to work after having children that I would like to be a t.a. for the exact reasons that you listed. It sounds great. Way to go!!
so.... are you going to post again soon??
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