My baby is a man!
Today my youngest turns 18. This picture was taken this Spring, I think it was In March during Spring break. He is and always has been a very happy, goofy, and personable child. Now he is a young man. For those of you who haven't seen him in a while he is 6'2" and weighs in at a whopping 160 lbs.
In some provinces he can go to the bar, in all provinces he can vote, get married without consent, and buy a gun. I am so thankful that ha will not be doing any of those. He goes to youth and to church, he prays for important things and not so important things. He plays hide and seek with the kids, he jumps on the trampling with them and absolutely loves water fights. In many ways he is still a child, which I hope he doesn't loose, but legally he is a man. I think that makes me
old . . . or maybe it keeps me young. Hey, hope springs eternal.
Please say "Happy Birthday" to Jack from all of us. Bev just called me to say that it is her eldest Alex's 16th birthday on Sunday.
Wow, 2 nephew birthdays within a week!!
Oh, I didn't know it was his birthday today!! Goodness, it's strange to think that he's 18. Wow.
Don't you want him to vote? That's not such a bad thing.
Hey Margaret, give Jack a big happy birthday hug from me!! 18 wow, I was that once...hmmmmm, where did the time go!! Wish I could be their to help celebrate!!
Yes you are old Margaret! Get used to it. Lots of us have babies that are 18. Just wait until they have a baby of thier own. Then you will really feel old. Right now you are still older than me even though I am a grandma so that makes me feel a bit younger. Thanks. :)
dang... i don't even remember 18... well... not very well... and no, i wasn't drunk or anything... that's crazy... i can't believe it... i remember when you were still pregnant with him... barely... it's nuts... and 6'2"??? holy crap... oh well... i could still throw him around... happy birthday jack
Mitz, you love to rub it in don't you? You are very mean and it is totally unjustified.
Wow Jack is 18 already! Where does the time go?? Jack has always been one of my 'younger' cousins. *Gulp* Young like Robyn, who now has a baby. Young like Colevin who is now in Austrailia. Weird very weird! Say "Happy Birthday" to Jack for me. I hope he has a wonderful year!! I remember being 18 and it was one of the best year in my life:)
And mom you are mean! *lol* I can't believe the first line you wrote was "Yes you are old Margaret". Ouch! Just wait till your 50th birthday. I already have plans *evil laugh* and I'm sure Auntie Margaret will be willing to give me a hand :)
You're all hillarious, and none of you seem old to me. Happy birthday to Jack. For the life of me, I can't remember what I did for my 18th, and no, it's not because I was drunk. I think maybe I watched a movie, or clue.
Jacks not 18... He's only like 12 isn't he? Stink. Now I feel old too... Although I think Amy makes me feel the oldest. I'm not sure why. Happy birthday anyways Jack!
On my 18th birthday I sat at home and did homework while the rest of my family was cleaning the house we just moved out of. Yup, it was super fun.
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