Flowers are blooming!
This morning I was once again thankful that I live on Vancouver Isand. I went for a walk with Mitz and Colleen. We walked from my house down to the beach, then along the beach about 2 kms. Then we turned away from the ocean and followed a stream up a long trail through the forest which is also about 2 kms long. The whole hike is about 5 kms and a nice workout. Anyway, while walking along the beach we passed a house with a very nice large rododendron growing beside their fence and it was in bloom. A few flowers were completely open with loads of buds at different stages of opening. There were also some trees that had leaves budding and lots of crocuses (sp) blooming. We stopped and admired them and then continued on our hike. I love this place.
You have flowers blooming? Wow, me too. Some pretty little white snowdrops, and other flowers that were obviously here previously. I know I have some daffodils in there too, so can't wait for them to bloom.
Yep, Vancouver Island rocks!!
*grin* Dude, this ROCKS, doesn't it?! I haven't been to the beach yet, but once we actually get a vehicle, then we can... It's February, and I don't have to wear a jacket, you can buy flowers at the stores, the garden centre is open in Canadian Tire, and most of all, there's NO SNOW!!! Ha ha! It was funny, Kyle and I were standing at the door waiting for the dogs to come in, and he mentioned that the grass needs to be cut... Cutting grass... in February?!?!? That's freakin' insane... It's like a whole different world, it's like we're not in Canada... Good thing we are, though, because, where would I get poutine?!?
Okay you unch of meanies. You know what else you wouldn't be able to get? Farmer sausage, perogies, Moxies, any kind of half decent cheese, a decent restaurant to take your husband for your anniversary, Tim Horton's, fuzzy peaches, smarties, ketchup chips, Tim Horton's, Tim Horton's... sniff sniff.
I miss the beach, I miss my family, and I miss Tim Horton's. Gillette is silly. We're going to an okay sort of steakhouse, with an okay atmosphere for our anniversary on Sunday, but there's no nice culture anywhere here, people still wear jeans and hoodies to "nice" restaurants. Now I'm feeling sorry for myself. I can't wait to visit in April. Tell Robyn I want that baby born early.
Aww, Mel... *gives you a hug* Actually, technically, Tim Horton's was bought out by an American company, and you can get Tim Horton's at some places in the States... which is sad, but hey... Yeah, and the farmer sausage... what would I do without farmer sausage?
I've checked it out already, as far as I know they're starting on the east coast and seeing how it goes there first. Sigh...It will be aeons before it gets here...
Isn't it "eons"? Aren't aeons creatures you can summon in Final Fantasy? Meh...
you'd think they'd start them up in seattle first... i guess they couldn't find room between the starbucks on every corner
You know what else was bought out by America??? MOLSEN BEER!!!!! By Coors! Now isn't that the silliest thing you heard of??? Canada is known just for that beer... So sad :( And I learned that Disney bought out Pixar!!! There goes our children's future! I HATE DISNEY!
Oh.. p.s. Hi auntie margaret :)
I knew about the Molson beer, that's sad... They shouldn't be able to call it "Canadian"... and no more commercials bashing Americans... And Pixar movies were always affiliated with Disney, that's basically how they got their start, as far as I know... So that's not surprising at all...
Yes Margaret, I can help you to get some pics up. We will have to make a day for it some time next week if that's ok, cause my half-sister Bev and her husband Darron are going to be here for the weekend. They are on their honeymoon in Victoria.
You people make me sick. I would think that the privledge of living in a place where it is spring already would be enough for you, but no. You have to go bragging to all of us out here sitting in our houses watching the snow being blown all over the place, thinking, "Oh crap, now we have to shovel the driveway again..." and wondering if that kid who came by the last time will come again because you'd rather pay $10.00 than go out into -25. Stinkin 5km walk in the flowers by the ocean. Sounds pretty stinkin crappy if you ask me. I'd rather be here driving round and round the Walmart parking lot looking for a spot close to the door because all of the pregnant woman spots are taken and you don't want to get a cart for your heavy toddler because it is too hard to push it through the foot of new snow that just fell, but yet you don't want to try and carry the kid while he cries, "Cold, Cold!" and you're all fat and pregnant and your jeans are getting soaked at the bottoms because stinkin Walmart won't clear their parking lot. Then you finally find a good spot but some dumb teenager beats you to it and you want to do some beating of your own while you slog through the snow carrying two babies really and then your keys fall out of your pocket into the snow and your toddler cries when you put him down because he doesn't like the way the snow feels under his boots. Oh yeah, and while all that happens you can remember your mean aunt's blog about how pretty the stinkin flowers are. That helps. Stinkin.
Hmm. I appear to be tired of winter.
It's blizzarding here today. That's all.
You know,
Mitz was going to put this on her blog, but she said she was too scared. I wasn't scared of you Becky, until now. I thought people who lived in Saskatchewan were supposed to be tough. My mistake. I just wanted you to have a good day knowing that better weather is on it's way East. Eventually...
That is why half of us are now living here in BC. We all got tired of the snow.........bundling kids up just to go a block.......snow days, etc.
It has rained here more than usual...but at least you don't have to shovel rain!!
Imagine trying to shovel rain?? That would be hard...
Ask my dad about raking snow off the driveway... that's a good story.
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